Parking in Bologna during the holidays: Garage Excelsior

Parking in Bologna during the holidays can be a difficult task especially in the vicinity of the areas closest to the city center.

Parking in Bologna during the holidays can be quite difficult especially in the vicinity of the areas closest to the city center.

We must arm ourselves with patience, leave well in advance and choose strategic areas.

All this, however, can not be enough in periods so affollati and dense traffico especially if you come from outside Bologna, do not know the distances and are not familiar with the city running the risk of entering the ZTL zones or limited traffico and take a fine.

It is therefore necessary to find a car park that is easily accessible, the location of which allows a pleasant exploration on foot of the center. An apparently impossible task, if you do not know the right places or better, the right place.

Good thing we’re here to come to your rescue.

Where to park in Bologna during the holidays near the center?

Garage Excelsior is the ideal solution: a large parking, on two floors, guarded and video surveillance where you can leave your car in total safety. Open 24 hours a day.

It is located in front of Bologna Central Station in a strategic position extremely equipped with services and a few minutes walk from the center.

This way you can move with ease and tranquility without the thought of the car.

An advantage not just considering the flow of people, also from abroad, who every year choose Bologna as a destination for winter holidays.

You just have to enjoy the city in all its magical splendor: stroll under the arcades, try the culinary specialties, visit museums and markets.

Immersed in the magic of the Bolognese holidays, a careful parking planning is essential to fully enjoy the Christmas atmosphere. With the Garage Excelsior, the search for parking in Bologna during the holidays becomes a worry-free experience.

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Presso Starhotel Excelsior
Viale Pietramellara, 45
40121 Bologna

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